Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bob the Builders

For the last couple weeks Mik and I have been remodeling the front area of the salon. It definitely was more work then expected, but it was definitely worth it! We started by pulling the old shelves off the wall, boy did it feel good! We were met with this lovely ragrolled paint underneath....

Mik the toolman taylor

We were so happy to see there was (nice and dirty) tile underneath the shelving.

More lovely ragroll is exposed.

So Mik and I thought we were professional wallpaperers. HA! It took us 2+ hours to put up one strip (arguing and swearing may or may not have been involved). So in order to save our marriage I made frantic phone calls to every handy man I could find. Richard Hebert was our night in shining armor! We quickly became best friends and it took him 1 hour to do the entire wall!

And a little before and after action.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Jen Carter said...

I LOVE it! It's so pretty! Did you paint the cabinets yourself?

Karissa and Mik said...

jen theyre actually different cabinets. funny they look exactly the same in the picture! the ones before were particle board and the green laminate on top was no bueno. and they were all different widths it was wierd. anyway long story short we had someone make us a new one thats a little wider and taller!

amber said...

Wow Karissa, I love that paper! So cute! I could really use a hair cut from you! It is so hard to find a good hair stylist here!